Men and Women, Young and Old, Want Better Skin?

Men and Women, Young and Old, Want Better Skin?

by Deborah Tosline

The skin is our largest organ and it deserves a little attention for a holistic approach to health. I am not talking aesthetics here, although a side benefit of healthy skin is beautiful skin. A few simple routine changes can result in improved skin condition. Unisex, multi-age, premium skin care options are available at a fraction of the cost of retail. Want to know more? Skin Remodeling DIY, An Introduction to the Underground World of Skin Care is pending publication, wait…have I said that before?

Final image refinements, final edits, and final formatting are nearly complete and shortly, I will be able to announce the availability of the print and ebook, and none too soon. I see a couch and dozens of movies in my near future, but question that dream as marketing rears it necessary head. Anyway, back to the wonder of the skin.

The skin protects us from viruses and bacteria; it holds us together and protects our delicate and complex innerworkings, lucky us. To begin your adventure into better skin care, make a few simple changes to your routine and observe. It takes about six weeks for a new skin cell to surface and for improvements to become apparent. Check this process by taking a close-up selfie of your facial skin, in good light; use a new skin care routine; wait six to twelve weeks and take another photo in the same lighting to check for improvements.

There are a few basic protocols that have been scientifically studied and anecdotally demonstrated to improve the condition of the skin, including protection from the sun, exfoliation, and use of high concentration active ingredients and collagen enhancement protocols. A healthy lifestyle provides a good foundation.

Fig42FacialAcidPeelsExfoliation removes dead skin cells from the skin’s surface, promoting new collagen production and new skin cells! If you don’t stimulate your skin, the body’s skin regeneration processes slow, and skin cell turnover rates decline. Don’t let this happen to you.

There are two ways to exfoliate your skin: mechanical and chemical. Mechanical methods Fig53MicrodermabrasionDevice2mergedinclude using a micro-dermabrasion washcloth, a dermabrasion device, or granular products to physically remove dead skin cells via friction or abrasion. Chemical methods include acid or enzyme facials that impact skin pH and possibly cell adhesion and protein bonds resulting in sloughing of dead skin cells. Acid and enzyme exfoliation impart additional skin benefits including increasing skin moisture and reducing hyperpigmentation.

Begin your exfoliation practice using a micro-dermabrasion washcloth. This is nothing like your standard wash cloth and it takes using one to feel the difference. Integrate this into your skin routine and feel the difference, wait…and see the difference. I have been using a highly effective microfiber washcloth that NCN Professional Skin Care sells for $12.50. After doing a quick search, I found a Raw Silk Noil Washcloth advertised on Etsy. Interesting. Wait a minute, I’ll be right back. This silk microdermabrasion washcloth was too intriguing to resist. I just ordered a set of three for $12. Okay, where was I?

Besides promoting skin cell turnover, exfoliation will enhance penetration of that high concentration active ingredient serum that you are going to want. So easy. So good.

Deborah Tosline’s education and work experience is in science, where hypotheses are Deborah Toslinetested through observation and experiments. She has two bachelor of science degrees: one in geology and one in ecology. Her approach to skin care is based on that scientific background and a love of research. Deborah has studied and practiced DIY skin care for three decades including a consistent facial exercise practice from 2002, and five years of teaching facial exercise. She has integrated skin rejuvenation into a lifelong healthy lifestyle. Her book, Skin Remodeling DIY, An Introduction to the Underground World of Do-It-Yourself Skin Care, is projected to be published within the next two weeks, fingers crossed.

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